Thursday, October 29, 2009

A quick update...AGAIN!

Oh my.

It seems as if every time I get caught up on my blogging, I end up busy and full of procrastination putting me behind again. Its a never ending battle like most things in life.

Sorry fast forwarding though the end of my trip to Japan.....

The wedding was great! I met up with many good friends! Nathaniel left. I met up with Takako many times. Joined Chat Room at Lesley School, Spent the day at Takahata Winery with Yoshi and Chikako. Went drinking with Chiaki and many other friends....yes and ate tons of GREAT JAPANESE FOOD!

So there is the gist.

Since I have been back things have been busy and crazy.

I was offered a job back at Lesley English School. As much as I would have loved to have taken it and moved back to Japan and all my friends, I knew in the end I would have felt as if I were moving backward in life instead of forward. So I took that opportunity to go to my current bosses at Huckleberry and talk to them about a raise. They said that as soon as I enroll in the CDA classes I will have the title and pay of Head Teacher in our room. YAY!! A raise within 9 months of working there! Finally!! A step in the right direction!

Love life is moving forward, keeps having a few road bumps, but I will keep you posted.

Have decided to have a house warming/Halloween dinner/party thingy. You know me peeps, I'm always cooking and having people over and finally live in a place where I am comfortable and happy to have people over again!

Jessica, my little sister, just moved into a new apartment by herself. She is happy to have her independence again and is playing house decorator! She also got the cutest Siamese cat that she calls Baby Girl.

Mom is writing an auto-biography with my grandmother (who wrote, edited and bound hers years ago). I am very happy to hear this because it gives her reflection, a sense of self worth and inspiration for years to come...oh and keeps her busy for the time being. I believe everyone in this world should write an auto-biography... there is so much to learn about people we love! We only every see such a small glimpse of them.

Since Dad has been cancer free and healthy, he has been back to Work... he is working harder than ever and feels as if he has to make up for lost time I think. I worry he works too hard, but what can I do?! On a happy note, I think Dad and Jeanne (my step mother) will be visiting DC in the spring and I am very happy to have them come and visit.

Besides all this and work, I am focused on my good friends Ger and Dave's wedding over Thanksgiving weekend! Ger looks classically beautiful in her wedding dress and I think she is stressed and very excited knowing its only a month away!

So there is a quick update... I will do my best to keep up on my blog for a while! Hope all you readers are doing fantastic this fall and keeping warm!

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