Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Online Dating

So I am at it again. Online Dating. Well kind of.

This weekend a guy I met online is coming from New York to hang out with me in DC. He seems nice and down to earth. I feel as if one can get to know another fairly well online. You learn the way they say things and what vocabulary words they use. Its very insightful, however its still nerver racking meeting someone for the very first time in person.

Im slightly nervous.... we'll see how it goes.

What do you think of online dating??


Bri said...

My Husbands cousin found her current boyfriend online, they are getting all married this summer too. :) Good luck!

Sandra Appling said...

My sisters met their husband and fiancee online. It can work! :)

FunkyChicken said...

Um...I'm all for it!! Especially in Japan! More often than not they are a douchebag though.

Just be safe when you meet him!

Monica Jo said...

He stood me up and said he was "too sick" to come and meet me.... blah... so much for that... wont give him the time of day again!