Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A New Look - Blogging again, with purpose

Today I spent the day with a friend in Baltimore and this friend and I were talking about life and work. We are both teachers and love to exchange ridiculous stories of children, their parents and teaching. After talking all day about silly things kids do and rants on toileting, my friend turned to me and said, "have you ever thought of writing a book?" I paused, no, I hadn't thought of writing a book about teaching before, but its a pretty good idea. I have not decided if I would be great at writing a book about teaching and the craziness of children and more importantly the craziness of their parents, but I have decided it time to blog again, BUT THIS TIME, about my experiences as a upper class, rich, DC, white preschool teacher. Some will be funny, some too cute for words, but some full of frustrating, emotion and disappointment...please follow me on this journey.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Man Rant

I just want someone I can spend time with.

I have been dating like crazy, okay, so I am a cereal dater. I guess I am just hoping that one will click, is this too much of a "fairy tale" thing to think?? And then when I find a guy I like, I mean one I really like and am willing to compromise with, he ends up not feeling the same. I am tired of the game. This constant game.

Step One: Meet
Step Two: Flirt
Step Three: Date
Step Four: Kiss
Step Five: Find a flaw and leave

No matter how hard I try I cant get out of this sequence. I have a fear of compromising too much, of settling for someone less than great for me. I don't want to settle!! EVER!!

So what do I want? I honestly, have no idea. A friend, my best friend, someone that like to do things with me and likes to hang out with my friends and someone who I like to hang out with their friends. That simple... I mean other things are important too: Do what you say you are going to do, be social, be clean, love my food even when it sucks, support me no matter how crazy my ideas are, laugh with and at me cause I'm funny, support my art, support my career.... and I want to do the same. But don't put pressure, don't make me fit a mold, don't make me stressed out or feel beneath you. Essentially if you can do these things, I don't care what you look like, how much money is in your bank account or what kind of car you drive.

But some how, some how, finding this person has been a challenge. I keep telling myself "You gotta find all the wrong men before you find the right one, how else are you going to be able to tell that he is the right one?" But now I am starting to think, am I too picky, am I setting myself up for doom??

Anyhow, just needed a rant.....thanks Blog, for listening.

Monday, November 22, 2010


My Uncle Tony died on Thursday. He had been battling cancer for over a year, they had given him 6 months to live, but he made it well beyond that. From what little I knew of him, he always had a smile on his face and love to share with all. I can tell that his children, grandchildren and wife loved him so very dearly. Everyone says this is for the best because he is no longer in pain. All I can think of is, that could have been my dad. Life is not fair, but I count my blessings to still have my father in my life after his fight with cancer. Tomorrow will be Tony's funeral and they are asking everyone to wear purple because that was his favorite color, so even though I will not be able to make it, I will wear purple tomorrow and hold my few memories of him close to my heart. God Bless Tony. I'm sure you will keep an eye on everyone from up above.

Monday, August 16, 2010


Life is strange.

It takes you to places you'd never thought you'd go. It forces you to experience things you were never certain you wanted to experience. It brings you close to people you never thought you'd see again. It throws you curve balls you never really wanted. It gives you what you need and also what you dint. Its life.

Life is not fair. Life is not kind nor harsh, it just is. For each person, the path of life is different. Each path as unique as each individual. Yet, we compare our life paths to others, we value ours based on how others perceive it, we feel a need for others to want or desire our paths more than theirs. This makes us feel complete, but why?

Why cant we just accept our life, our paths, who we are as unique? Why cant we all agree that no one has a perfect life or path, that we all have our obstacles? That its OK to be different, to struggle? Its in our uniqueness, in our strangeness and in our struggles that we learn to appreciate those moments of happiness and contentness. Its those life struggles that make us who we are.

My life has not been perfect, I can blame so many people and things and most importantly myself for these struggles; but really I am glad I have had moments of hardship and struggle, it helps me to have compassion and understanding for others. I have learned from those moments and most importantly, it has allowed me to appreciate the good days even more.

My life is a good one, not a perfect or amazing one, but a good one. And for this I am thankful.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Recent Art Work

Household Portrait. 7 Grove Ridge Ct.

Abstract for living room.

Missing Hawaii.

Iris Plate.

Asian Plate for mom.

Jaxon Ryder Samonte

I just realized! I havent posted about my new nephew!!

Jaxon Ryder Samonte!!!

Born on June 16, 2010 @ 7:34am 7 lbs., 9 oz 19 ¼ inches long

He is beautiful!!

No Electricity for 24 hours

So I forget how spoiled we are in today's culture until a day like last weekend when I came home to no electricity.

I came home from being at the movies in Chinatown in downtown DC, and tried to go to the market by my house but it was closed. Didn't think anything of it. Came home walked in the door and went to put my left overs from lunch in the fridge when I thought it was curious that the light in the fridge was out. The all of a sudden it occurred to me... I went over and flicked the kitchen light switch...ahhh, the power was out.

I had no idea it had stormed so bad in the few hours I was in the movie to collapse power lines, uproot trees and put something like 600,000 homes without electricity. The City of DC was fine, it was the suburbs of MD right outside DC that were screwed...right where I live.

Of course I was the only one home, I figured the electricity would be on soon so I went and did some house chores and twiddled around. The power had been out for two hours when I decided to get on my computer to realize that the Internet runs off electricity. Then I went to do laundry and realized that the washer runs on electricity. Went to heat up left overs until I realized that the microwave runs on electricity. See a trend?

Then I got to thinking, since it was now getting dark out, I need candles, lighter, flashlight... oh what about an alarm clock for work in the morning and then started to panic, is my cell phone charged enough to last all night?? It was charged, oh good.

I hung out and read and did little things around the house until dark, then I wrote parent notes for my kids with a flashlight and decided to read some more. Thank goodness for ipod and such, for I realized mine was recently charged and I had tv shows downloaded that I hadn't seen yet.

The air conditioning was wafting away fast, it got hot on the third floor....like really hot! I was sweating just being on the third floor. Decided to go to the basement and sleep in the recliner, but that was terribly uncomfortable. Then I moved to the floor in the basement, but all I could think of was "when was the last time this floor was vacuumed?" and decided to go try and sleep on the second floor on the leather couch. Leather couch + heat = no sleep. Then I decided even though it was hot at least I would be comfortable and went back up to the third floor to sleep in the heat, and I did at last. At like 2am.

The next morning I awoke to my cell phone alarm and still no electricity. For the first time I was happy no roommates were home because I was able to leave my windowless bathroom door open while I showered in the dark. I got ready fast because I had no blow dryer or straightener or radio or any of those other morning comforts.

Luckily, by the time I got home that night I had electricity. I was ready to kiss the ground that electricity walked on and came to the conclusion that I had no idea how many things ran on electricity that I love!