Thursday, February 11, 2010


Its Day 6 of what the news reporters are calling "Snowmegedon". We have had well over 30 inches of snow on the ground, probably something like 5o has fallen. There has been constant shoveling and praying that our power and cable/Internet doesn't go out and, knock on wood, it hasn't as of yet. They are saying our snow is finished for some while and I am very happy and relieved to hear this for I don't think I could stay inside for another day without going cynically insane. 5 days in the house with my roommate... I love my roommates, don't get me wrong, but I hate being cooped up anywhere for any length of time. I am the kind of person that either works or goes to school on the weekends just because I don't know what to do with a whole two days off of work!

At first I spent my days just cleaning and doing household kinds of things that I had been wanting to get done, but by day 3 I was running out of chores to do. On day 4 I spent much time bothering my roommates. We played Darts, Wheel of Fortune and Rock Band for hours on end. On day 5 I started a puzzle and got through over half of the 1,000 pieces it has. Today is Day 6, they say its the last day and that we can all go back to work tomorrow, I have never been so relieved to go back to work!! I Cant wait!! Until then, I think I will finish my puzzle, clean the kitchen and shovel off the back lanai. Oh 24 hours cant come soon enough!! (Remind me of this when I complain about work in the future)

Stay warm out there people! And more importantly, Sane!


Anonymous said...

You have to express more your opinion to attract more readers, because just a video or plain text without any personal approach is not that valuable. But it is just form my point of view

Monica Jo said...

Thanks for the insight, however, I blog more for my own sake and to look back and remember how I felt about something more than for other readers.

Anonymous said...
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