Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Vacation


Tuesday Dec 23-travel from DC to San Fransisco!

Wednesday Dec 24-have lunch with Josh and last minute chirstmas shopping

Thrusday Dec 25- Christmas festivities with the McCary/Creech Family! Including immediate family gift exchange, going to the Ayalas for extended family gift exchanges, food and games!

Friday Dec 26- Cookie Exchange and hope to meet up with JD and Monique (if they arent too tired)

Saturday Dec 27- Hair cut and hopefully hang with Monique and JD in the city.

Sunday Dec 28- Christmas festivities with my little sister...hehe little.

Monday Dec 29- Leave Dads and head to Yosemity with Monique and JD. Spend night at Aunty K and Rod's house.


Wednesday Dec 31- New Years Eve!! End of the year! Sandi, Thomas and Nate come to Vegas!! YAY!!!!! I miss you guys!

Thursday Jan 1- START TO A NEW YEAR... I hope I have better luck in the new year. Hang in Vegas.

Friday Jan 2-Drive to moms house outside LA with Monique and JD.

Saturday Jan 3- JD and Monique go to LA and I hang around home until Jan 6 when I will fly out of LA and back to DC.

Photo updates!

Here are some picture updates.

First a few from Halloween.
Ger and I

Dave and Ger

Zoro, Coolaide dude, plumber and warewolf

And from Jessie's Birthday Party in November.

Jessie, Aman and Mike

Us Ladies!

Them ladies

Alana's Birthday Party in November.

Ger and Dave

Ger and I

Birthday Girl Alana

Me, Alana and Ger having a good time

Lesley's Birthday Party in December.

Ger, Lesley and I

Im being silly

Monday, December 15, 2008

Lesley's 25th Bash

Lesley's big b-day bash was on Friday night and it was great!!

She really went all out. The place she had it was beautiful and in a great location right off the Dupont Metro. The upstairs area was very class Victorian looking and with the exception of the crooked paintings the rooms decor was really nice! The cupcakes and champagne were delightful!!! The company was lively and full of wonderful chatter.

I had a rough day at work and enjoyed sitting in the corner listening and watching people as they networked, conversed, drank, ate and laughed. It was pleasant.

So HAPPY 25th to Miss Lesley!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Online Dating

So I am at it again. Online Dating. Well kind of.

This weekend a guy I met online is coming from New York to hang out with me in DC. He seems nice and down to earth. I feel as if one can get to know another fairly well online. You learn the way they say things and what vocabulary words they use. Its very insightful, however its still nerver racking meeting someone for the very first time in person.

Im slightly nervous.... we'll see how it goes.

What do you think of online dating??

In the Swing of Things

So things are finally getting busy. I work 4 days a week at All Fired Up. Babysit on Tuesdays and have Sundays and Mondays off to do Christmas shopping, Church and whatever else I feel like doing. I have been making friend and getting things done. It feels good to be getting back in the swing of things.

Thanksgiving for the Misfits

So last night (Dec 7th) Ger and I hosted a Thanksgiving for the Misfits.

We cooked Turkey, Ham, Potato's, Stuffing, Acorn Soup and Gravy.

My co-worker Julie and Jamie (Ger's friend) came over to join Ger, Dave and I. They brought pie and tart. We ate like kings!! The food was great, the conversation great and Scrabble a lot of fun.

Even if your Thanksgiving is a little late it can still be amazing!