Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A New Look - Blogging again, with purpose

Today I spent the day with a friend in Baltimore and this friend and I were talking about life and work. We are both teachers and love to exchange ridiculous stories of children, their parents and teaching. After talking all day about silly things kids do and rants on toileting, my friend turned to me and said, "have you ever thought of writing a book?" I paused, no, I hadn't thought of writing a book about teaching before, but its a pretty good idea. I have not decided if I would be great at writing a book about teaching and the craziness of children and more importantly the craziness of their parents, but I have decided it time to blog again, BUT THIS TIME, about my experiences as a upper class, rich, DC, white preschool teacher. Some will be funny, some too cute for words, but some full of frustrating, emotion and disappointment...please follow me on this journey.