Saturday, June 4, 2011

Man Rant

I just want someone I can spend time with.

I have been dating like crazy, okay, so I am a cereal dater. I guess I am just hoping that one will click, is this too much of a "fairy tale" thing to think?? And then when I find a guy I like, I mean one I really like and am willing to compromise with, he ends up not feeling the same. I am tired of the game. This constant game.

Step One: Meet
Step Two: Flirt
Step Three: Date
Step Four: Kiss
Step Five: Find a flaw and leave

No matter how hard I try I cant get out of this sequence. I have a fear of compromising too much, of settling for someone less than great for me. I don't want to settle!! EVER!!

So what do I want? I honestly, have no idea. A friend, my best friend, someone that like to do things with me and likes to hang out with my friends and someone who I like to hang out with their friends. That simple... I mean other things are important too: Do what you say you are going to do, be social, be clean, love my food even when it sucks, support me no matter how crazy my ideas are, laugh with and at me cause I'm funny, support my art, support my career.... and I want to do the same. But don't put pressure, don't make me fit a mold, don't make me stressed out or feel beneath you. Essentially if you can do these things, I don't care what you look like, how much money is in your bank account or what kind of car you drive.

But some how, some how, finding this person has been a challenge. I keep telling myself "You gotta find all the wrong men before you find the right one, how else are you going to be able to tell that he is the right one?" But now I am starting to think, am I too picky, am I setting myself up for doom??

Anyhow, just needed a rant.....thanks Blog, for listening.