Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Out with Andrea and Casey

Went out with Andrea and Casey on saturday night so I could check out the hot bartender at Rira. We had a great time! It was Casey's first time sitting and drinking at a bar!! We had some good laughs and good music!

Me and Casey

Weavers Visit to DC

My mothers cousin and her family came to DC to see the sights and I was able to meet up with them! We had a great time exchanging stories and laughing. Not to mention the great dining experience we had! YUM! Thanks again to the Weaver family! Dont be strangers!

Grace, Helen, John and Amy Jo

The Weavers and I

Grace and Amy Jo's "Italian boyfriend"

Around DC

Random pictures around DC this spring time!

Cherry Blossoms

The DC Cherry Blossom festival was great! I got to go twice down to the tidal basin on the Mall!! I really enjoyed it!

Gift from sister

When my sister was visiting DC she made this for me. She even choose my favorite colors! Thanks Jessica! You did good!

Current Art Work

Some current paintings I have done.

Rain Rain

This weeks theme was Rain Rain so we all brought in rain gear and had a rain day! They are too cute!

Around DC and Cracker Barrel

Jessica and I had a good and lazy week (well I had to work). I was craving Cracker Barrel and Jessica was a sport and went all the way to Manassas with me to go!! It was well worth the drive in my opinion! Here are pictures from Cracker Barrel and us being goofy on the metro here in DC.
Yummy Iced Tea

Jessica's Country Fried Steak

My ham, grits, biscuts and goodness

Philly with Jessica

Jessica came to DC and we spent the first weekend she was here in Philialphia city! We went on a food tour and a ghost tour and had a pretty nice time despite having walked so much our feet hurt and eaten so much we didnt want to think about food! Here are some photos.

Entering the city

The first tour and first stop of the day!

Tomato Pie

Philly Cheese Steak (so delicious!)


Chocolate stand! Yummy!!

In the city walking

City Hall

Consitiution Hall

In front of Constitution Hall

Liberty Bell

Smorey goodness

To Marshmellow or not to marshmellow

Jessica freezing her ass off while she leaves a message for Nate

A Haunted tour it is!